Deploy a Node.js Drawing App
Github Repository: link
Uses Websockets to render lines concurrently across devices/ browsers!
- Stores up to 2500 lines on the server before it starts cleaning house.
- Sorry if you want it to store more than need to use a beefier cloud instance.
- Node.js application deployed with PM2 and Google Cloud instance.
PM2 is really easy to install and can even deploy Python and Ruby apps! Basically any app that can be ran at a bash command line can be ran with PM2
App deployed on PM2 and Google Cloud VM instance
line_history has three object types types:
- Size defines the size the point,
- Color defines the color of the point,
- Data is simply the X, Y coordinates of line.
socket.emit broadcasts the objects to all connected clients on the browser so everything is synchronized.
# Store line history
var line_history = [];
// event-handler for new incoming connections
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
// first send the history to the new client
for (var i in line_history) {
socket.emit('draw_line', {size: line_history[i].Size, color: line_history[i].Color, line: line_history[i].Data});
// add handler for message type "draw_line".
socket.on('draw_line', function (data) {
// add input to line_history objects
var input = {
'Size': data.size, // size of the brush
'Color': data.color, // color of the line
'Data': data.line // position of the line
// push objects to add
// remove the first 150 objects from the array list if the total array list exceeds 2500 entries
if(line_history.length >= 2500){
line_history.splice(0, 150);
// send line to all clients
io.emit('draw_line', { size: data.size, color: data.color, line: data.line });
Uses Express and socketIo to create a websocket and runs on localhost and port 8080
var express = require('express'),
app = express(),
http = require('http'),
socketIo = require('');
// start webserver on port 8080
var server = http.createServer(app);
var io = socketIo.listen(server);
// add directory with our static files
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/'));
console.log("Server running on");
Too long to inline so client.js can be found here: link
Basically, client.js handles all client side stuff like drawing the canvas, drawing lines defined by socket, recording mouse movements, using form controls to change brush size, color, and etc.
Install for yourself on Ubuntu 16.04!
git clone
cd discord-draw
sudo chmod +x server.js
install required npm packages
npm install
check to see if it’s running properly
sudo node server.js
deploy on pm2 (you need node env + pm2 installed first)
sudo pm2 start
pm2 start server.js -n "whatever-you-like"